Turn on mouse gestures windows 8.1
Turn on mouse gestures windows 8.1

One last thing, you need to have a Microsoft keyboard or mouse in order to use all of the features above. You can even make that button to run some Marco programs. If you are like me have a spear button that I’d normally never uses, you can assign it to do things like show desktop, show start menu etc.

turn on mouse gestures windows 8.1

You can also assign how each button might work differently in different applications. You can options like “Precision Booster”, “Gaming Toggle”, “Quick Turn” for gaming, “Browser Back” and “Browser forward” for Browser commands. BIOS setup The basic I / O system displays all the major components of the laptop. Click “View all commands” to review more options such as, Gaming commands, Browser commands, Content commands etc. The basic settings includes how each button you’d like it to behave.


Just install Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center and it will automatically detect which model you have on your system.įor most of other Microsoft mouse and keyboards out there, you still get to many options to choose and customize your hardware. If you don’t the software can still do a lot more. If you have a Microsoft Touch Mouse then it would have new gesture support for Windows 8. From it you will get this rich Windows 8 style UI application to customize how your keyboard and mouse would work on Windows 8. Go to Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center and download the latest version for your language and OS version (32 or 64 bit). If you are using Microsoft’s own keyboard or mouse it’s a good idea to get the latest support out of your hardware for Windows 8. It introduces new modern UI with new gesture to interacts with the system. Windows 8 is no doubt the biggest leap forward since Windows 95.

Turn on mouse gestures windows 8.1